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High Fives

Huddle Up

There are so many ways we can help support our learning community to become more active, innovative and collaborative. We welcome involvements from all walks of life, and especially if you identify yourself in the following roles:

I'm passionate about the future of education and want to be a part of making it great. 

I want to share my projects and help other educators with my Tiny Hubs. 

I want to get Tiny Hubs for home learning. 

I want my own project to become a Tiny Hub and help other students thrive just as I have. 

I want to support Tiny Hubs with my products. 

I want to support the Huddle Hubs movement. Click HERE to donate to Huddle Hubs.

Meet Our Huddlers

Huddlers are members of our creative community who regularly collaborate on projects, which may include school partnership, ideating for #TinyHubs, or facilitating #HuddleHaps at their own Huddle Hubs locations. Take advantage of all of the amazing exclusive meetups, open studios and complimentary receptions. It is a sure way to huddle up and co-design our creative future!

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Artelier H³
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Artelier H³ puts good learning design in practice and creates opportunities to engage learners in learning by doing

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Copicat activates hauora in our lived environment with its handicrafts infused with love and zest. Dedicated to working with youths, Copicat has a heart as big as its community! 

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Charlie is an advocate for gaming and its positive impacts to mental health. He plays and coaches regularly to build an inclusive community for board gamers and tabletop gamers.


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Coaching Warhammer games at Huddle Hubs.

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